TB & Chest Disease

Department of Respiratory Medicine

Since its inception the department of TBCD/Pulmonary Medicine, has made a steady progress. The department has attained great heights and now offers state of the art care. The department attracts patients with complex problems. The department has well trained staffs and has been catering to the needs of the undergraduate students. In 2019 we successfully faced the PG assessment and now it is a Post Graduate department. First PG batch was started in 2021, opening the gates for further milestones.

Patient care has been maintained well with the exclusive respiratory wards of 30 beds occupancy (15 Male bedded wards + 15 Female bedded wards). High dependency beds for seriously ill patients, with well-equipped Non-invasive and Invasive Mechanical ventilators, well trained staffs and respiratory therapist.

Laboratory support services include a pulmonary function lab with diffusion studies, exercise physiology, ABG analysis. The department also offers diagnostic/therapeutic services namely thoracocentesis, pleural manometry, pleural biopsy, intercostal drainage, pleurodesis. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy will be added shortly. Pulmonary rehabilitation has been initiated in co-ordination with the
1. Department of Physiotherapy for exercise training, postural drainage techniques,
2. Department of Psychiatry for smoking cessation clinic, psychological support for chronic lung diseases such as COPD.

Vaccination and nutritional advice done regularly. The department has been actively involved in the implementation of Revised national tuberculosis programme (RNTCP) which is a National programme and the department has been recognized as a Nodal Centre for RNTCP Programme. It has a Designated Microscopy Centre with a well-trained lab technician appointed through the government of Karnataka. Biological samples of Presumptive TB patients are collected and sent for CBNAAT test. All patients diagnosed with TB are counselled about their condition, initiated on antitubercular therapy(ATT) and regularly monitored as per the programme guidelines. The respiratory research wing of the department is involved in “original research” in asthma, COPD, tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases.


Name Of The HOD From To
Dr. Srikanth Ravoori 2016 2018
Dr. Jyothi (Incharge HOD) 2018 2020
Dr. Saroja B G 2020 Till Date

Department Contact Information:
 Mail ID:   [email protected]      Contact no.   080 - 61854101                        
Extension Number: 228



We have computer with internet facility with access to various online journals

Dr. Saroja.B.G., Associate Professor
Department of TB & CHEST

Sl. No. Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver Referencing style Pubmed Indexed Yes / No Scopus Indexed Yes / No International /
1 Dr.Saroja.B.G. Saroja .B.G. Evaluation of Various Factors Influencing Sputum Smear Positivity In Newly Disgnosed cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis In Tertiary Care Center of Bengaluru.  IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine.  2018;3(3):150-152 No No National Crossref
2 Dr.Saroja.B.G.  Saroja.B.G.   Comparison of PSI Scoring System With Curb-65 as an Marker of Severity In Community Acquired Pneumonia. Indian Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2018;4(3):165-168 Yes Yes National PubMed/Medline
Elsevier BIOBASE
3 Dr.Saroja.B.G.   Saroja.B.G.   A Prospective Study on Clinical Pattern of Hospital Acquired Pneumonia.  (SAS)  Scholars Academic and Scientific.  2021;7I(1):4-8 No No International, Google Scholar
Index Copernicus
Chemical Abstract Service(CAS)
NCBI-NLM Catalog
World Cat
4 Dr.Saroja.B.G.  Saroja.B.G. Clinico Demographic Profile Fo Bronchiectasis A Cross Sectional Study. IP Indian Journal of Immunology and Respiratory Medicine.  2021;6(2):111-116 No No National Crossref

Dr.Sandeep H.S., Associate Professor
Department of TB & CHEST

Sl. No. Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver Referencing style Pubmed Indexed Yes / No Scopus Indexed Yes / No International /
1 Dr.Sandeep H.S. Sandeepa H. S., Narendra U, Gajanan S. Gaude, Supriya Sandeepa.
Complications and Residual Pleural Thickening After Intrapleural Instillation of Streptokinase With Pigtail Catheter Drainage of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion.  International journal of Advances In Medicine. 2020;7(1):1-5
No No National ScopeMed
Journal Index
Google Scholar CrossRef
2 Dr.Sandeep H.S. Sandeepa H. S., Narendra U., Gajanan S. Gaude, Supriya Sandeepa.
Efficacy of Intrapleural Instillation of streptokinase With Pigtail Catheter Drainage in The Treatment of tuberculosis Pleural Effusion.  International journal of Advances In Medicine. 2019;6(6):1695 -1699
No No National ScopeMed
Journal Index
Google Scholar

Dr. Jyothi.  Associate Professor
Department of TB and Chest

Sl. No. Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver Referencing style Pubmed Indexed Yes / No Scopus Indexed Yes / No International /
1 Dr. Jyothi Jyothi, Chandan G, Praveen Kumar. Lipid Abnormalities in Tuberculosis Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Hospital-based Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2022;16(2):01-04 Yes No International Index Copernicus ICV 2019: 129.24
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Indian Science Abstract