
Department of Radio Diagnosis

History of the department:
The department of Radio Diagnosis was started in the year 2013. We successfully faced the PG assessment and now it is a Post Graduate department., opening the gates for further milestones. The Department has been sanctioned 3 seats in MD Radio Diagnosis since 2020 by the National Medical Commission.

  • Vision -To plan and provide state of the art infrastructure and innovative learning resources required for quality education and innovations to effectively learn, practice and take up research activities in the field of Radiology.
  • Mission -To impart knowledge and inculcate scientific and research temperament to sculpture a self- reliant Radiologist and show excellence in imparting knowledge to UG & PG students and providing quality care to patients and provide best services to patients in field of Radio-Diagnosis.

Head of the Department

Name of the HOD From To
Dr. Kiran K V 2013 2016
Dr. Saroja S K 2016 2019
Dr. Sharanabasappa G M 2019 20.7.2020
Dr. P Suresh 2020 Till date

Department Contact Information:
Mail ID: [email protected]
Contact no.080 - 61854156    Extension Number- 156 


Infrastructure- The department is well equipped with:

  • 6 portable and 6 stationary x ray machines of 100, 300, 600 and 800 mA (Siemens, GE and Allengers)
  • one 16 slice Computed Tomography (WIPRO GE Revolution Acts)
  • 2 C-ARM machines (Allengers and Toshiba)
  • 4 Ultrasonography machines (GE Voluson S10 Expert, GE Voluson P8 Core, GE Logiq P5, GE Vivid E)
  • One Mammography machine (Allengers MAM-VENUS)
  • One Magnetic Resonance Imaging machine (Siemens Magnetom Sempra, 1.5 Tesla, XA 12 Platform)
  • The Department also has a Picture Archiving Communication Systems (PACS) for an integrated workflow and easy digital communication with other clinical departments.

Mammography machine- Allengers MAM- VENUS

MRI- 1.5 T Siemens Magnetom Sempra XA 12 Platform

CT Machine- 16 Slice WIPRO Revolution Acts

GE Voluson S10 Expert                           X Ray Machine 600mA

CT Console


MRI Console

Learning Resources- The department is equipped with a library which has various Radiology books and journals, internet facilities for access to all national and international journals and publications, a dedicated seminar room having a projector which aids in both UG and PG learning.

Radiology museum has various archived radiographs.

The department in collaboration with Department of Biochemistry conducted a CME program on “Prevention to intervention in Cardiology” on 23rd September 2021 at The Oxford Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bangalore.Head of the Department Dr P. Suresh while presenting a scientific paper on “Imaging evaluation in female infertility” at the 74thAnnual IRIA conference 2022 held in Bangalore.

Scientific E-Posters presented by Faculty-

  • Neuro imaging in Pediatrics (2022)-“Radiological approach to inborn errors of metabolism “by Dr. P. Suresh at the IRIA 2022 National Conference held in Bangalore.
  • GIT Radiology (2022)- “Role of Imaging in Colorectal Malignancies” by Dr. P. Suresh at the IRIA 2022 National Conference held in Bangalore.

Faculty Development Programmes

Faculty Development Programme on “Basics of CT & MRI” conducted by Dr. P Suresh.

Dr. Lakshmeesha M T, while conducting a Faculty Development Programme on “Artificial Intelligence in Radiology”.

Department of Radio Diagnosis


Dr. Suresh P., Professor
Department of Radio-Diagnosis

Sl. No. Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver Referencing Pubmed Index Yes /No Scopes Index International /
1 Dr. Suresh P Suresh P. A Study Of Imaging Signs Of Thoracic Lesions and Comparison Of Imaging Diagnosis By Computed Tomography (CT) With Final Diagnosis Based On Histopathology /Cytology. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare. 2017 June 15; 4(48): 2925 - 2930 No No National Indexed in DOAJ
Index Copernicus (ICV 2015 – 78.84)
Google Scholar
2 Dr. Suresh P Suresh P. A Study of Yield Of CT-Guided Interventions ( Core Needle Biopsy and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) In Thoracic Lesions and The Complications Faced During The Interventions.  Journal Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare. 2017 Jul 15; 4(49): 3002 - 3007 No No National Indexed in DOAJ
Index Copernicus (ICV 2015 – 78.84)
Google Scholar
3 Dr. Suresh P Suresh P. A Study To Diagnose Ligament Injuries of Talo-Crural Joint By Plain X-Rays. International Journal of Science and Research.2017 Aug; 6 (8): 1535 - 1537 No No International Mendeley Index
Science Gate Index,
CrossRef Index
4 Dr. Suresh P Suresh P. A Study of hemodynamics and complications when radiographic contrast media are used. International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging. 2020 Jan; 3 (1): 207-209 No No International 1. Google Scholar
2. Crossref
3. Scilit
4. Index Copernicus
5. J Access
5 Dr. Suresh P Suresh P. Role of Ultrasonogaphy in acute abdominal conditions.  International Journal of Radiology. 2020 ;13(2): 75-79 No No International  

Dr.Raghu G Associate Professor
Department of Radio Diagnosis.

Sl. No.
Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver Referencing Pubmed Indexed Yes / No Scopes Indexed National / International Remarks
1 Dr.Raghu G Raghu G, Vasantha Kumar k.Sonological Evaluation of Thyroid Swellings. MedPluse-International Journalof Radiology.2019;12(2):72-76 NO NO International IndexCopernicus
World cat
2 Dr.Raghu G Raghu G, Vasantha Kumar k.Sonological Evaluation Of Scrotal Pathology.International Journal of the contemporary Medicine Surgery and Radiology.2020;5(1):166-168 NO NO International IndexCopernicus
Google Scholar.

Dr.Purushothama Raju N.
Department of Radiodiagnosis

Sl. No. Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver Referencing Pubmed Indexed Yes / No Scopes Indexed National / International Remarks
1 Dr.Purushothama Raju N. Yash Kumar Achantani, Purushothama Raju.N, Ramesh Kumar R. Variants of Co eliac Trunk, Hepatic Artery and Renal Arteries in  Puducherry Population. International Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery. 2018 jan1; 7(1): 38-43  No No National Index Copernicus
(ICV 2019: 97.24)
DOAJ- Directory of Open Access Journals
Google Scholar
2 Dr.Purushothama Raju N. Purushothama Raju N, Sharana                                                                                               Basappa. A Comparative Study of Conventional and Magnetic Resonance Hysterosalpingography   in Assessing Tubal Patency At A Tertiary Care Center. Medpulse International Journal of Radiology. 2019 Dec; 12(3):104 -107 No No National Indexing
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Index Copernicus