1. History Of Department:-
The College Was Granted Reorganization By MCI During 2018 In Its 1st Inspection, Which Shows The Commitment Of The Management, Faculty Improving Quality Medical Education. In 2019 we successfully faced the PG assessment and now it is a Post Graduate department, opening the gates for further milestones.
2. Vision :-
In Order To Move Upwards The College Applied Pg Courses In All Subjects Including General Medicine For Which Inspection Was Held On 21.09.2019 And 2 batches of post graduates were joined..
3. Mission:-
Our Mission Is To Take The Department To Great Heights By Developing Specialty Services Like Cardiology, Nephrology, Neurology, Gastroenterology, Hematology Etc… Which Are a Prerequisite for Establishing Super specialty Services to Upgrade the Institution into a High Level Tertiary Care Center on the Lines of Corporate High –Tech Hospital
4. Objectives:-
A Fully Integrated Modular Curriculum Within The Regulation Of MCI Is Prepared And Getting Implemented. They Are Also Taught Medical Ethics And Constitution Of India. The College Maintains High Standard In Teaching Training And Evaluation Process As Evidenced By High Pass Percentage. There Are 150 Beds In To Meet The Social Obligation Of Meeting The Health Needs Of Local People As Well As For People From Border In Tamil Nadu. We Are Training Students To Become Good Women Clinical With Aptitude For Teaching Research And Social Service. The Admission Policy As Per The NEET Guidelines. At Present 1st Batch Of Students Undergoing Extensive Their Internship Period Ending In February.
5. Head Of The Department :
NAME OF HOD | From | To |
1. | Dr. H V Prasad | 2014 | 2015 |
2. | Dr. Satish Rai V | 2016 | 30.6.2021 |
3. | Dr. TEJASWI.C.N. |
8.6.2021 | TILL DATE |
6. Contact Information (Department Mail Id & Extension Contact No.):- Contact no. 08061854132
Extension Number: 132
8. E- Learning Resources:-
9. Infrastructure:-
10. CME Programmers And Activates :-
Department Of Faculty Conductes academics. Every Month And Weekly Once For Residents And Interns Including Journal Clubs, Subject Seminars And Clinical Seminars
In Addition Pharma Supported Are Also Being Held Periodically In The Department Of Various Clinical Topics.
At Present CME Programme Topic Is “RECENT ADVANCES IN STROKE”.
11. Awards and Achievements, Publications:-
Dr. Tejaswi CN., Professor
Department of Gen. Medicine
Sl. No. | Faculty Name | Publication in Vancouver Referencing style | Pubmed Indexed Yes / No | Scopus Indexed Yes / No | International / National |
Remarks |
1 | Dr. Tejaswi CN | Kanavi Roopa Shekharappa, C N Tejaswi, Savita S. Patil, B M Lakshmikanth.Mictroteaching revisited! A tool for improving undergraduate student seminars. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. 2020;64(1):1-7 | No | Yes | National | Scopus Scimago Rankimng Index Copernicus Scilit |
2 | Dr. Tejaswi CN | Sathish Rai. V, C N Tejaswi, & Amulya. Correlation of HBA 1c In Association With Different Complications of Diabetes. International Journal of General Medicine and Pharmacy. 2019;8(2):1-6 | No | No | International | Academia, Index Copernicus, SSRN, Mendeley, Research Bible, Internet Archive, |
3 | Dr. Tejaswi CN | C N Tejaswi, Kanavi Roopa Shekharappa, B M Lakshmikanth, Smileevivian, G Venkatesh. A Study on Clinical Spectrum of Scorpion Sting In a Teaching Hospital in Bengaluru Region. International journalof Emergency Medicine.2019;5(3):193 - 200 | Yes | Yes | International | PubMed PubMed Central SCImago Scopus Summon by Serial Solutions |
4 | Dr. Tejaswi CN | A study on the Prevalence of Depression in diabetes Patients and the Determinants of Depression among patients with diabetes related symptoms and complications. International Journal of Physiology. 2018;6(3): | No | No | National | ICV SJIF IB Factor CNKI Scholar |
5 | Dr. Tejaswi CN | C N Tejaswi, Kanavi Roopa Shekharappa, B M Lakshmikanth, Smileevivian, G Vedavathi K.A Study on Epidemilogy Cuases and Prognosis of Acute Renal Failure In Indian Population. Journal of Evolution Medical & Dental Sciences. 2016;5(73):5388-5393 | No | No | National | Index Copernicus |
6 | Dr. Tejaswi CN | C N Tejaswi, Kanavi Roopa Shekharappa. Savita S Patil. A Study of Clinical Manifestations of dengue cases in a tertiary care hospital, Bangalore Karnataka. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health. 2016;5(12):2503-2507 | No | No | National | Google Scholar Scopemed Urlich,s GFMER SafetyLit Index Medicus for SEAR |
7 | Dr. Tejaswi CN | C N Tejaswi, Kanavi Roopa Shekharappa. Study of 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels in type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients. International journal of Mediacl & Health Sciences.2016;5(3):128-130 | No | No | National | EuroPub Index Index Copernicus Journal Seek (Genamics) Academic Search Chemical Abstract Services(USA) |
8 | Dr. Tejaswi CN | Dr Ravkeerthy.M, Dr Tejaswi Nataraj. A Comparative of Cardiovascular Parameters In Obese and Non-Individuals. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 2015;5(5):3150-3153 | No | No | International | IJSRP Google Scholar |
Dr. Ramesh K.N. Professor
Department of Gen.Medicine.
Sl. No. | Faculty Name | Publication in Vancouver Referencing style | Pubmed Indexed Yes / No | Scopus Indexed Yes / No | International / National |
Remarks |
1 | Dr. Ramesh K.N | Ramesh Kallahalli Narayanaswamy, Wilma Delphine Silvia Chickballapuir Rayappa, Pankaja Ramesh. Evaluation of Dyslipidaemia among different age groups in urban south Indians. Journal Evaluation Medical and Dental Sciences.2020;9(40):2684-98 | No | No | National |
Google Scholar |
2 | Dr. Ramesh K.N | Ramesh KN, Rashmi HN, Dr. Vinay, Dr Padmaja Ramesh.CURB-65 Score in Indian patients. Scholars journal of applied medicinesciences(SJAMS). 2017;5(3D):955-959 | No | No | International | Crossref Research Gate Journal Seek Google Scholar |
3 | Dr. Ramesh K.N | Ambannaghowda Durgad, R B Parakh, M Dhananjaya, K N Ramesh.Awareness of Diabêtes Mellitus and Complication among patients at Tertiary Care Hospita. International Journal of Scientific Study. 2016;4(1):117-119 | Yes | No | National | PubMed World Cat National Library of Medicine Index Medicus |
4 | Dr. Ramesh K.N | Medha Y Rao, Tejas Suresh Rao, Ramesh Kallahalli Narayanaswamy.Study Hypothalamo Pituitary Adrenal Axis In frail Elderly Subjects.Journal of The Association of Physicians of India. 2012;60():31-34 | No | Yes | National | Index Copernicus Google Scholar Scopus |
5 | Dr. Ramesh K.N | Ramesh Kallahalli Narayanaswamy,Bhaktavathtchalam Naraganti, Sreenivasa Rao Sudulagunta, Monica Kumbhat, Mahesh Babu Sodalagunta, Keshava Cghandra Theajaswi, Raj Deepak, Asif Hussan Mohammed, Sony p Sunny, Amulya Vishwewar, Mikita Suvarna, Rashmi Nanjappa. Diabetes Mellitus- Comparative study of Drugs, Comorbidities, Hbalc and Lipid profile. Scholar Journal Of Applied Medical sciences. 2017;5(2A):319-332 | No | No | International | Research Gate Google Scholar Index Copernicus |
Dr. Suma D., Associate Professor
Department of Gen. Medicine
Sl. No. | Faculty Name | Publication in Vancouver Referencing style | Pubmed Indexed Yes / No | Scopus Indexed Yes / No | International / National |
Remarks |
1 | Dr. Suma D | Suma Dasaraju, Seema Hegde Subraya . Knowledge of Blood Transfusion Among the Nursing Staff in a Tertiary Medical College, Bangalore. Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Health Care.2017;4(67):1001-4018 | No | No | National | Index copernicus |
2 | Dr. Suma D | Suma Dasaraju. Hematological Profile of Snake Bite Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research.2017;6(3):597-603 | No | No | National | CrossRef, National Science Library, Index Copernicus |
Dr. Prakash Gundagatti, Professor
Department of Gen.Medicine.
Sl. No. | Faculty Name | Publication in Vancouver Referencing style | Pubmed Indexed Yes / No | Scopus Indexed Yes / No | International / National |
Remarks |
1 | Dr. Prakash Gundagatti | Prakash Gundagatti,Atul Kumar Pandey,Sareetha A V,Pramod G R.Thyroid dysfunction in type 2 DM patients with microvascular complications.International journal of Advanced Research in Medicine.2020;2(2):133-135 | No | No | National | Google Scholar Crossref Scilit J Access Index Copernicus ResearchBib |
2 | Dr. Prakash Gundagatti | Prakash Gindagatti, Atul Kumar Pandey,Sareetha A V,Pramod G R.Study of serum magnesium level in patients of newly diagnosed type-2 daibetes mellitus and effect on glycemuic control.International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine.2020;2(1):79-81 | No | No | National | Google Scholar Crossref Scilit J Access Index Copernicus ResearchBib |
3 | Dr. Prakash Gundagatti | Prakash Gindagatti, Atul Kumar Pandey, Sareetha A V, Pramod G R.Correlates of thyroid disorder in type DM patients. International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine.2021;3(1):476-479 | No | No | National | Google Scholar Crossref Scilit J Access Index Copernicus ResearchBib |
4 | Dr. Prakash Gundagatti | Prakash Gindagatti, Atul Kumar Pandey,Sareetha A V,Pramod G R.A Study on spectrum of thyroid dysfunction in type 2 DM. International Journal of Advanced Research in Medicine.2021;3(1):473-475 | No | No | National | Google Scholar Crossref Scilit J Access Index Copernicus ResearchBib |
12. Any Other Relevant :-
Regular Monthly Mortality Meeting Held At The College
Many Of Our Faculties Are Attending Other Colleges As Examiners And Also Attending CMI Programmes Where Like APICON, IMACON etc……..