Dermatology, Venerelogy & Leprosy

History: Dermatology is one of the specialties that has evolved from general medicine, with its recognition as a distinct specialty. We deal with diseases of skin, hair, nail, sexually transmitted infections and leprosy which constitute approximately 30% of outpatient attendance in any hospital. Department is established since the inception of the institution. It is accredited to train undergraduate students by the Medical Council of India (MCI). Since inception Undergraduate training, clinical expertise and patient numbers continue to grow till date. Institute will begin postgraduates training under the abled guidance of Dr Ramesh M, as the head of the department in 2019. Currently there are 4 full-time skillful faculties with junior residents and interns. In 2019 we successfully faced the PG assessment and now it is a Post Graduate department. First PG batch was started, opening the gates for further milestones.

Vision: World class excellence in teaching, research and clinical care


  • We strive to provide affordable and excellent healthcare in a compassionate environment to  our patients.
  • To promote innovative teaching, academic research and empathetic art of medical care in students


  • Recognize the importance of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy in the context to the need of the community and national priorities in the health sector.
  • Practice ethically and in step with the principles of primary health care.
  • Identify social, economic, environmental, biological and emotional determinants of health in each patient while planning therapeutic, rehabilitative, preventive and promotive measures.
  • Diagnose and manage majority of the conditions on the basis of clinical assessment and appropriate investigations.
  • Plan and advice measures for the prevention and rehabilitation of patients suffering from disease/disability.
  • Demonstrate humane approach towards patients and their families in accordance with the societal norms and expectations.
  • Play the assigned role in the implementation of national health programmes, effectively and responsibly.
  • Demonstrate competence in basic concepts of research methodology and epidemiology, and be able to critically analyze relevant published research literature.
  • Develop skills in using educational methods and techniques as applicable to the teaching of medical/nursing students, general physicians and paramedical health workers.

Head of Department: 

Name Of The HOD From To
Dr Ramesh M 2019 2020
Dr. Manjunath Swamy B S 2020 2022
Dr.Abhineetha Hosthota 6.4.2022 Till Date

Department Contact Information:
  Mail ID: [email protected] Contact No. 080 - 61854164
              Extension Number   Out Patient Department : 164
                                          In Patient Department        : 144


E learning Resources: Helinet

Infrastructure: Department clinical space includes over 5 examination rooms, 3 procedure rooms, 30 bedded inpatient care ,residents, faculty, and nursing workspace. Department has spacious seminar room and library with all the latest edition Books, Colour Atlas, National and International Journals on Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy. Department is equipped with latest US FDA approved ablative and nonablative  Lasers, Phototherapy Unit, Cryogenic system, microdermabrasion, iontophoresis and Radiofrequency unit.

CME programmes and activities: Department observes Vitiligo day, Psoriasis day every year where we call patients and educate them about their disease condition. Undergraduates have come with flying colors in quiz conducted at state level. Academic activities like seminars,  journal club, case presentations, bed side clinics and histopathology demonstrations are conducted regularly in the department .

Awards Achievements Publications:

Dr. Manjunathswamy Professor & HOD
Department of Dermatology

Sl. No. Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver Referencing style Pubmed Indexed Yes / No Scopus Indexed Yes / No International /
1 Dr. Manjunathswamy  B. M. Vyshak, Bhavana R. Doshi, B. S. Manjunathswamy.   1-Year Hospital Based Observational study of Trichoscopy Findings and Disease Activity in Alopecia.  Indian Dermatology Online Journal.  2020;20(20):965-969 Yes No National DOAJ,
Emerging Sources Citation Index,
PubMed Central,
Web of Science
2 Dr. Manjunathswamy  Bhavana Doshi, Vijaya Sajjan, B. S. Manjunathswamy, Anisha P. Bindag.  Cross-Sectional Study on Assessing Quality of Life of Patients Diagnosed With Superficial Dermotophytosis In South –West India.  Indian Journal of Health Sciences & Biomedical Research KLEU.  2020;13(2):160-164 No No National Primo Central,
Google Scholar,
3 Dr. Manjunathswamy Shradda Kololgi, Vijaya Veeranna Sajjan, Bhavana Ravindra Doshi, Manjunathswamy BS, Vikranth Ghatnatti. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Among Psoriatic Patients Attending A Tertiary Care Hospital in western.  Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists.  2020;30(2):235-241 No Yes International Google PageRank

Dr. Abhineetha Hosathota, Associate Professor
Department of Dermatology

Sl. No. Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver Referencing style Pubmed Indexed Yes / No Scopus Indexed Yes / No International /
1 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota  Swapna Bondade, Abhineetha Hosthota, Karthik K. N, Raghul Raj. Intimate Partner Violence Anxiety, and Depression in Women with Sexually Transmitted Infections –A Hospital Based Case Control Study.  Journal of Psychosexual Health. 2021;3(1):1-8 No No National Google Scholar
Indian Citation Index (ICI)
2 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota  Bindushree R,
Abhineetha Hosthota.
A Study of Clinical Profile and Quality of Life in Patients with Scabies.  Intenrational Journal of Research in Dermatology. 2021;7(4):508-512
No No National  indicator 
 Google PageRank
3 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota Autoimplantation – An Immunological Treatment For
Multiple Warts Serbian. Journal of Dermatology and Venereology.  2020;12(4):
No Yes International Hinari
National Science Library
4 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota Stressful life events and psychiatric comorbidity in acne – a case control study. Asia Pacific Psychiatry.  2019;11(1): No Yes International  indicator 
 Google PageRank
5 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota Abhineetha Hosthota, Trupthi Gowda, Rajini Manikonda.Clinical Profile and risk factor of dermatophytoses:   a Hospital  based study.  International Journal of Research in Dermatology.  2018;4(4):508-513 No No National  Index Copernicus
Google Scholar 
6 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota   Koregol Savita, Anand Ranagol, Abhineetha Hosthota, Rajasvi V. Pujar, Arati C. Koregol5Dermaroller as an inexpensive and excellent therapeutic modality in the treatment of acne scars along with subcision and punch floatation. Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology.  2018;4(4):319-323 No No National Index Copernicus,
Google Scholar,
Indian Science Abstracts,
National Science Library,
J- gate,
7 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota Trupthi Gowda, Rajini Manikonda, Abhineetha Hosthota. Microbiological Profile of Dermatophyte infections in a tertiary care hospital.  Journal of evaluation Medical and Dental Sciences.  2018;7(1):67-70 No No National
  • Index Copernicus
  • EBSCO Databases
  • CAB Abstracts and Global Health Databases
  • Global Index Medicus
  • Index Medicus for South-East Asia Region
  • Academic OneFile
8 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota  Abhineetha Hosthota, Renu Kothottil, Seema Hegde Subraya. Scleredema adultorum of Buschke ina child confirmed by special stains.  Our Dermatolgy Online. 2018;9(1):103-104 No No International INDEX COPERNICUS
 9 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota Scrotodynia: Diagnostic and
Therapeutic Challenge. SKINmed. 2018;14(3):
No Yes International  Google PageRank
10 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota  Abhineetha Hosathota, Swapna Bondada, Renu K, Swati Braroo. The Association of acne vulgaris with smoking in men: a Hospital based study.  International Journal of Research in Dermatology.  2017;3(2):196-201 No No National  Index Copernicus
Google Scholar 
11 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota  Abhineetha Hosathota, Swapna Bondada, Vinay Basavaraja. Impact of acne vulgaris on quality of life and self –esteem.  Cutis.  2016;98(0):121-124     International  
12 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota Abhineetha Hosthot, Swapna Bondade, Divya Monnappa, Vinay Basavaraja. Penodynia and Depression.  Our Dermatolgy Online.  2016;07(2):240-241 No No International INDEX COPERNICUS
13 Dr. Abhineetha  Hosathota   Venkataram Mysur, B Anitha, Abhineetha Hosathota.  Successful Treatment of Laser Induced Hypopigmentation with Narrowband Ultraviolet B Targeted Phototherapy. Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery.2013;6(2):117-119 Yes Yes National DOAJ
Indian Science Abstracts
PubMed Central


Dr. Bindushree R, Assistant Professor
Department of Dermatology

Sl. No. Faculty Name Publication in Vancouver Referencing style Pubmed Indexed Yes / No Scopus Indexed Yes / No International /
1 Dr. Bindushree R Bindushree R,
Abhineetha Hosthota.
A Study of Clinical Profile and quality of life in patients with scabies. International Journal of Research in Dermatology.  2021;7(4):508-512
No No National pernicus
 Google Scholar
2 Dr. Bindushree R Hosthota Abhineetha, Bindushree R, Koregol Savita. Autoimplantation – An Immunological Treatment For
Multiple Warts, Serbian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology. 2020;12(4):135-136
3 Dr. Bindushree R Identification and Speciation of Malassezia Isolated from Tinea
Versicolor Cases in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Karnataka, International Journal of Contemporary Microbiology. 2019;5(2):
No No National Google Scholar
CNKI Scholar
Cite Factor
4 Dr. Bindushree R  Bindushree R, BN Raghavendra, TS Rajashekhar, Prasad KNV.  A clinico-aetiological study of diaper area dermatoses in children, International Journal of Research in Dermatology. 2018;4(2):157-158 No No National pernicus
 Google Scholar

Any Other Relevant:

The Core competencies:

  • Dermatology
  • Venereology
  • Leprosy
  • Cosmetology
  • Dermatosurgery

Key Features:

  • Effective diagnosis and treatment of skin, hair, nail diseases
  • Diagnostic procedures like skin biopsies, staining & culture techniques (for fungus, bacteria  and leprosy ), KOH, DGI
  • Therapeutic procedures like Electrocautery , radiofrequency, iontophoresis, cryotherapy
  • Cosmetology procedures: Lasers, Microdermabrasion, dermaroller, Chemical peels and Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP)
  • Training undergraduate and postgraduate medical students
  • Educating people on various disorders like vitiligo, psoriasis, Leprosy, STI's and AIDS.
  • Involved in various academic and research activities.
  • Department conducts Specialty Clinics regularly viz. on

Monday           : Pigmentary clinic
Tuesday           : Leprosy clinic
Wednesday      : Psoriasis clinic
Thursday         : Sexually transmitted infections clinic
Friday              : Autoimmune diseases clinic                                                                                   Saturday            :Vesiculobullous diseases clinic