
Department of Anatomy

Professor and HOD of Anatomy

The Anatomy department was started at The Oxford Medical College in 2013 with the countable number of staffs. All staff strived with very good coordination and mutual understanding to establish a well equipped and well organised department. In 2019 we successfully faced the PG assessment and now it is a Post Graduate department, opening the gates for further milestones.  

To excel in the field of medical Anatomy and to be recognized as the best in Teaching, Research and also providing quality dissection skills to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

1.To impart quality teaching and training in Anatomy to the students.
2.To impart knowledge to Medical /Dental Undergraduate & Postgraduate students and paramedical students of various streams to enable them to understand the basis of medical sciences.
3.To constantly upgrade the techniques of preparation and preservation of specimens in museum by having state of the art equipments.
4.To impart excellent knowledge of clinical anatomy to students which will enormously help them in future clinical practice.
5.To promote research activities in the department.


A. Knowledge
At the end of the course student should be able to:
1. Explain the gross structure, normal disposition and integrated functions of organ systems in order to understand the anatomical basis of      common disease presentations and clinical procedures.
2. Describe the microscopic structure of various organs and correlate their structure with functions, in order to understand their altered state in    various disease processes.
        3. Describe the basic principles behind the sequential development of organs systems as a prerequisite to explaining the developmental basis   of common variations and congenital anomalies.
       4. Describe the normal structure and functions of chromosomes and genes so as to understand the genetic basis of common genetic abnormalities.

B. Skills
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate the surface marking of clinically important structures in the cadaver and correlate it with living anatomy.
2. Locate and identify tissues and cells under the light microscope.
3. Identify important structures visualized by imaging techniques, specifically radiographs, computerized tomography (CT) scans, MRI and ultrasonography.
4. Demonstrate the various movements at the important joints in the human body.
5. Accurately palpate the pulsations of arteries at the most appropriate sites.
6. Identify various structures in dissected cadaver
C. Attitude and communication skills
 At the end of the course the student should be able to:
1. Show due respect in handling human body parts and cadavers during dissection.
2. Communicate effectively with peers and teachers in small group teachinglearning activities.
3. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively with peers in a team.
4. Demonstrate professional attributes of punctuality, accountability and respect for teachers and peers.
5. Appreciate the issues of equity and social accountability while undergoing early clinical exposure.


1 Dr. USHA V 2013 2019

Mail id [email protected]
Extension 180 Contact No - 080 - 61854180


         Computer assisted leaning for simulation in human Anatomy


Nomenclature Museum Dissection hall Histology lab Demo room 1 Demo room 2 Seminar Room Research lab.
Size (Area) Sq.Mt 209.25 Sq.Mt 465 Sq.Mt 206 Sq.Mt 104 Sq.Mt 91 Sq.Mt 56 Sq.Mt 65 Sq.Mt
Capacity 35 students 150 students 90 students 75 students 75 students 30 members   
Electric points Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate Adequate


(A) General      
1 Table with marble or stainless steel tops with a minimum size of 6'x2'x3' 18 20 nil
2 Table with marble or stainless steel tops - half standard size 5 5 nil
3 Drill machine- electric 3 2 1
4 Hand saw,preferably metal 4 2+1 Axe saw 1
5 Band saw for sectioning body and limbs 1 1 nil
6 Brain knife 5 2 3
7 Mortuary cooler with arrangement to keep 1 body 1 3 nil
8 Storge tank to hold 10 cadavers, static/ movable, durable tank with input and output facility with lid 3 3 nil
9 Plastic tanks for storing soft and dissected parts 10    
10 Multimedia projector with screen 2 5 nil
11 Trolley Table ( Steel) 2 2 nil
12 Movie camera with projection screen 1 1 nil
13 Computer with internet connection, viedo CD Library 3 1 2
14 X- ray Viewing lobby 4 4 nil
15 X- ray plates / MRI/CAT scan/ USG As requird As requird nil
16 Charts, Diagrams, Models, Slides ect. As requird As requird nil
17 Dissecting instruments for cadaveric dissection As requird As requird nil
18 Meat cutting machine for thin boby sections ( trans and vertical) for gross anatomy sectional study 1 nil 1
19 Cadavers 15 5 10
20 Embalming Machine 2 1 (N.W) 1
(B) Histology Laboratory      
21 Microscopes, Monocular 75 90 nil
22 Dissection , microscope 4 10 nil
23 Microtomes, rotary (Optional) 1 1 nil
24 Microtomes, Sledge, Large cutting 1 1 nil
25 Cabinet for slides (1000) 5 6 nil
26 Incubators 1 1 nil
27 Paraffin embedding bath 1 1 nil
28 Hot plates for flattening sections 1 1 nil
29 Hot air oven for drying slides (45 C) 1 1 nil
30 Refrigerators ( Minimum 165 litres) 2 1 1
31 Marking pencils As requird 10 nil
( C) Museum      
32 Articulated skeleton set 7 7 nil
33 Bones (Dis-articulated) sets 30 30 nil
34 Specimen Wet 150 157 nil
35 Steel racks As requird    
36 Laptop 1 0 1
37 Desktop Computer, with printer 3 0 3
38 photocopier  and  Scanner 1 0 1

Department of Anatomy conducted a workshop on ‘creating Anatomy Models’ on 18.03.2016

1.Body donation - CME conducted on 13th A

2.Conducted CME on Recent Advances in Stroke on June 24th 2022

          Dr Suresh N M
          Professor & HOD, Department of Anatomy,

1. Best Secretary Award” at World Congress of Anatomists & 19th Karnataka Chapter of Anatomists conference 2017 held at Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadag. Karnataka. India.

2.“Arjuna Award” at 20th Karnataka Chapter of Anatomists conference held on 28TH - 30th Sept 2018 at Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, BG nagar.


1. Suresh NM, Gurcharan Singh, Third Branchial Arch Fistulla- a case study, Anatomica Karnataka, 2005, 2(1), 13-17.

2. Suresh NM, Jai Renukarya AR, Raghupathy, Identification of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve from Inferior Thyroid Artery during Surgical approach to the Thyroid Gland- Anatomica Karnataka, 2006, 2(2), 25-30.

3. Suresh NM, Bettigere GG, Hydrocephalus- A case study- Anatomica Karnataka, 2007, 3 (1), 39-44.

4. Suresh NM, Jai Renukarya AR, Raghupathy, Patterns of relationship between Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve and Inferior Thyroid Artery- Anatomica Karnataka, 2008, 3(2), 47-53.

5. Suresh NM, Vijayalakshmi N, Dhananjaya BS, Krishna AT, Anencephaly- A case study- Anatomica Karnataka, 2009, 3(3), 53-57. ISSN 2229-7545

6. Prakash BS, Padmalatha K, Ramesh BR, Suresh NM, Bicipital Plantaris Muscle- Anatomica Karnataka, 2009, 3(3) , 83-85. ISSN 2229-7545

7. Suresh NM, Dhananjaya BS, Omkar Murthy, Holoprosencephaly, Anatomica Karnataka, 2010, 4(1), 73-75. ISSN 2229-7545.

8. Suresh NM, Dhananjay BS, Neural Tube Defects- Anatomica Karnataka, 2011, 5(1), 61-64. ISSN 2229-7545.

9. Dr. Suresh NM1, Dr. Anand Kumar TS2, Dr. Veena Pai3, Dr. Vinay Kumar K4, Ellis-van Creveld syndrome- Anatomica Karnataka, 2012, 6(3), 1-4. ISSN 2229-7545; e-ISSN 2249-5398

10. Dr. Vandana R1, Suresh NM2, Lakshmi Prabha R3, Veena Pai4, Variation in course & branching pattern of brachial artery, Anatomica Karnataka- an International Journal, 2012, 6(3), 42-48.

P-ISSN 2229-7545; e-ISSN 2249-5398

11. Geethanjali HT1, Vinay Kumar K2, Asha KR3, Suresh NM4, Lakshmi Prabha R5, Estimation of length of femur based on the measurements of its distal fragments, Medico-legal update- An International Journal, 2012, July-Dec, Vol. 12(2). P-ISSN 2229-7545; e-ISSN 2249-5398.

12. Suresh NM1, Vinay Kumar K2, Krishna AT3, Suresh BS4, Asha KR5, Lakshmi Prabha Subash5, “Sirenomelia”, Anatomica Karnataka- an International Journal, 2013, 7(3), 56-58. P-ISSN 2229-7545; e-ISSN 2249-5398

13. Shivaleela C1, Vinay Kumar K2, Suresh NM3, “Gastroschisis: Recent Trends, Embryology, Material & Infant Risk Factors” International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences; 2014, Vol 3 issue 2 (April-Jun), 480-484. DOI: 10.5958/j.2319-5886.3.2.101; ISSN: 2319-5886.

14. Suresh NM1, Basavaraju K2, Shivalingaiah M3, Satyanarayana MT4, Srinivas M5, Rangaswamy KB6, “A study of Psychological Profiles of rural & urban children with mild mental retardation” Anatomica Karnataka- An International Journal, 2014, 8(2), 37-41. P-ISSN 2229-7545; e-ISSN 2249-5398

15. Nagashree MV1, Gireesh2, Lakshmiprabha Subhash3, Suresh NM4, “The study of hepatic ducts and its variations in human cadavers” Anatomica Karnataka- An International Journal, 2014, 8(2), 27-33. P-ISSN 2229-7545; e-ISSN 2249-5398.

15. Suresh NM 1, Srinivas H2, Vinay Kumar K3, Suresh BS4, Dhanjaya5, “Incidence of club foot in and around Tumkur” Medico-legal update- An International Journal, 2015, January-June, Vol. 15(1), 76-80. P-ISSN 2229-7545; e-ISSN 2249-5398.

17. Vinay Kumar K1, Suresh NM2, Asha3, Shivaleela4, Lakshmi Prabha5, “Study of Dermatoglyphic Patterns of digits in patients with Primary Generalized Epilepsy” Medico-legal update- An International Journal, 2015, January-June, Vol. 15(1), 1-2. P-ISSN 2229-7545; e-ISSN 2249-5398.

18. Vinay Kumar K1, Asha2, Bindurani MK3, Kavyashree AN4, Suresh NM5, “Estimation of Humeral Length from its Proximal and Distal fragments in South Indian Population” Medico-legal update- An International Journal, 2015, January-June, Vol. 15(1), 55-59. P-ISSN 2229-7545; e-ISSN 2249-5398.

19. NM Suresh1, Subramanya Kattepura2, N. Yathindra3, Khizer Hussain Afroz4, “Incidence of types of hypospadias in and around Tumkur district, Karnataka, India: an anatomical classification” International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2018 April; 6(4), 1161-1164. pISSN 2320-6071 / e ISSN 2320-6012.

20. NM Suresh1, Subramanya Kattepura2, Khizer Hussain Afroz 3, Ramesh P4, Apurva Bhaskar5, “Evaluation of incidence of cryptorchidism with special reference to anatomical and clinical aspects” International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics, 2018 Jul; 5(4): 1388-1392. pISSN 2349-3291.

21. Suresh NM1, Sunitha R2, Aruna N3, Nalini JP4, “Morphometric Study of Femoral Neck-shaft Angle in Kolar Population and its Clinical Importance” Indian Journal of Anatomy, 2019 July-Sept; 8(3), 226-231. Index Copernicus, Poland (IC Value: IC Value: 2018: 92.80, 2016: 75.23, 2015: 70.28)

22. Suma MP1, Jyothsana2, Suresh NM3, SendilKumaran4, “Challenges in Implementation of the Compentency Based Medical Education (CBME)” National Journal of Research in Community Medicine, 2021; Vol 10; Issue 1; Jan-Mar ; 001-004. ISSN-Print: 2277-1522; Online: 2277-3517. DOI: 10.26727/NJRCM.2021.10.1.001-004

23. Suma MP1, Suresh NM2, “Comparison of two teaching methods used for teaching Anatomy for 1st year MBBS Students” Global Journal for Research Analysis, 2021; Vol 10; Issue 12; December ; 55-57. ISSN-Print ISSN No: 2277-8160.

24 Arfan NK1, Suresh NM2, Suma MP3, “A morphometric study on variations of nutrient foramen of humerus with its clinical implications” Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology, 2022; 9(1):29-34. 2394-2118

25. Suma MP1, Jayashree N Hiremath2, Suresh NM3, “Morphometric study of Nutrient Foramen in Diaphysis of Lower Limb Long Bones with their Clinical Significance” Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Clinical Sciences, 2022; March-April, 13(2):72-79; ISSN:0975-8585.

          Dr SUMA M.P
          Associate Professor & Department of Anatomy,

1.Senior instructor for training of ECLS in assosciation with rguhs and jeevarakasha

2.Suma MP,Jayashree N Hiremath, and Suresh NM . Morphometric Study Of Nutrient Foramen In Diaphysis Of Lower Limb Long Bones With Their Clinical Significance. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.

1 Estimation of Stature from hand length Dr Suma MP,Dr Shradha Iddalgave International journal of Medical Toxicology &legal Medicine(Vol 15)No 1&2 Dec-2012 Indexed
2 Pridiction of Stature from Hand Length and Foot Length Nagesh Kuppast Sharadha Iddalgave Suma MP Neeraj Gupta Dileep Kumar R Journal of Forensic Identification June-2013 Indexed
3 Musculocutaeneous Nerve & its Variations. Dr.Suma M.P, Dr. Mavishettar International journal of General Medicine &Pharmacy (Vol 2,Issue 4) Sep-2013 Indexed
4 An Anatomical Study of Superficial Palmar Arch Dr Suma MP, Dr Vijayakumar International journal of Anatomy & Research(Vol 2(4) 2014 Indexed
5 A study of nutrient foramen in the long bones of upper limb Dr.Suma MP Dr. Sangeetha.S Anatomica Karnataka vol-9, (2) pg 27-32 2015 Indexed
6 Branching pattern of sinoatrial and atrioventricular
nodal arteries in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization in atertiary care hospital
Divyaprakash M. Suma M. P. Jagadish H. R. Girish P. G. International Journal of Advances in Medicine 2016 Indexed
7 Study of wormian bones in adult human skull Showri R, Dr Suma M P Journal of Forensic Identification 2016 Indexed
8 Morphometric study of human liver in relation to age & sex by ultrasonography method Mr Banavath Anjaneya Babu, Dr Suma MP,Dr J Vasudeva Reddy IJAR 2016 Indexed
9 The Study Of Nutrient Foramina In Human Clavicle Dr Suma M P,Dr Usha V,Dr Sangeetha S Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare 2017 Indexed
10 Formulation of regression equation to estimate stature from hand length Dr Shradha Iddalagave,Dr Suma M P, Dr Nagesh kuppaast Indian journal of anatomy 2018 Indexed
11 Morphometric Study of Liver by Ultrasound method correlating Height,
Weight and Body surface area
Nagesh Kuppast Sharadha Iddalgave Suma MP Neeraj Gupta Dileep Kumar R Journal of Forensic Identification June-2013 Indexed
12 Challenges in Implementation of the Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) Dr.Suma MP Jyothsnya Suresh NM SendilKumaran Journal of Forensic Identification June-2013 Indexed
13 Comparision of two teaching methods used for teaching Anatomy for Ist year MBBS students Dr Suma MP Dr Suresh NM Global journal for research Analysis Dec-2021 Indexed
14 A morphometric study on varioation of
nutrient foramen of humerus with its clinical implication
Arfan NK Dr Suresh NM Dr Suma MP(Corresponding author) Indian journal of Anatomy and Physiology March-2022 Indexed

          Dr Jayashree. N. Hiremath
          Assisatne Professor & Department of Anatomy,

1.Suma MP,Jayashree N Hiremath, and Suresh NM . Morphometric Study Of Nutrient Foramen In Diaphysis Of Lower Limb Long Bones With Their Clinical Significance. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.

2.Jayashree N Hiremath, and Ramesh P. A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study Of Correlation Between Neonatal And Placental Weight In Normal And PIH Pregnancy And Its Effect On Neonatal Growth. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.

3.Bhimalli Shilpa M, Jayashree.N.Hiremath, Kayastha Priti, Ramesh P. Study of Morphological variation of Liver and its clinical Significance. International Journal of Medical Science and Current Research | January-February 2022 | Vol 5 | Issue 1.

4. Jayashree. N. Hiremath, Ramesh P .Cross-Sectional Study of Placental Surface Area and Umbilical Cord Attachment on Placenta in Normal and PIH Pregnancy and Its Effects on Foetal Weight. Int J Anat Res 2022, 10(1):8297-8300. ISSN 2321-4287.

5.Reviwed articles in Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research and Asian Journal of Advanced Research and Reports.